All recipes, both our own plus those reprinted with permission from cookbook publishers

Custard-Based Ice Cream

Custard-based ice creams are classic, the thick creaminess of custard creating a smooth and rich ice cream. I’m so pleased that there’s been lots of enthusiasm and support for this inaugural new bloggers challenge event and am very excited to be able to share all the wonderful entries in the first ever round up. First ... Read more »

All Star Chilli Con Carne

A few weeks ago, I was invited to All Star Lanes in Westfield Stratford to learn executive chef Steve Collins’ chilli con carne recipe and a few cocktails from mixologist Adam Seidman. The master classes were filmed as part of some new promotional material for Westfield Stratford’s website, though thankfully I’m only visible briefly!   ... Read more »

Bacon Pancakes!

Internet food porn has a lot to answer for. Sometimes I see a single image, and that’s it, I have to have a go at making it myself. That’s exactly what happened when I first saw a photo of bacon pancakes: rashers of streaky bacon embedded in thick, fluffy pancakes. Of course, bacon with pancakes is ... Read more »

Beef Cheeks Bourguignon: A Hearty Stew

Boef Bourgignon aka Boeuf à la Bourguignonne is a classic French dish often thought to originate from the Burgundy region of France, though food historians suggest this is not the case; concluding instead that it was likely created in Paris, and named simply for the use of Burgundy red wine that is a prominent ingredient. ... Read more »

Pommes de Terre Braytoises – Cheese & Bacon Stuffed Potatoes

As a cheese and bacon addict, I often have leftover cheese in my fridge, not to mention the stash in my freezer. There’s often half a tub of sour cream or crème fraiche hanging around too, a few rashers of bacon leftover from a weekend brunch and half a bottle of mustard languishing in the ... Read more »

Gooey Delicious Banana Cake (Revisited)

Charles Campion‘s Banana Cake is a recipe I copied across to my blog from one of the many places I shared my food experiences before I finally realised I was “stealth-blogging” and set up Kavey Eats! It’s such a good recipe I always intended to go back and add photos the next time I made ... Read more »

Confit Clementines & Lemon Posset

When thinking about a suitably delicious but prepare-ahead dessert for Christmas day, lemon posset sprang immediately to mind. I first made it last January and was amazed at how quick and easy it was. After that, I took it along as my contribution to a couple of cooking clubs, and was delighted at the extremely ... Read more »

Which Recipes Were Top in 2011?

For those less interested in my restaurant round up than in the cooking, here are the 12 recipe posts which received the most views during 2011. Chicken, Bacon, Mushroom & Crème Fraiche Pasta Braised Ox Cheek Bordelaise Chocolate & Chorizo Chilli Con Carne How to make Strawberry Vodka Liqueur Persian Baked Yoghurt Rice with Chicken ... Read more »

Malawian Ginger & Garlic Fried Fish

In my review of Bought, Borrowed & Stolen by Allegra McEvedy, you’ll see that my favourite aspects of the book were Allegra’s travel memories, and her introductions to her amazing collection of knives brought back from those travels. We did make a recipe though, choosing her Malawian Ginger & Garlic Fried Fish. (Ginger & Garlic ... Read more »