Crème Eggs With A Difference!

My Easter Egg review panel and I may not have liked Artisan du Chocolat’s chocolate Easter egg offerings but oh my goodness, I absolutely must recommend their adorable little “Crème de la Crème Eggs“! These are a clever reinterpretation of the famous Cadbury’s Crème Egg but so much tastier! Wrapped in coloured cellophane, like large ... Read more »

The Great Easter Egg Review!

A pagan symbol of spring and rebirth adopted by early Christians to represent the resurrection of Jesus, Easter eggs haven’t always been chocolate. In many cultures hand-painted egg shells or hard-boiled eggs, carved wooden eggs and even elaborately crafted, bejewelled precious metal eggs are still commonly exchanged. Creative Commons images from Flickr by Boby Dimitrov, ... Read more »

Creamy Sausage Pasta from A Slice of Cherry Pie

Creamy Sausage Pasta

This rib-sticking comfort-food pasta recipe for Creamy Sausage Pasta comes from A Slice of Cherry Pie by Julia Parsons. Warming and perfect for autumn and winter, or any cold day when you need warming up, this is easy to make and even easier to eat! Read our review of Julia Parson’s A Slice of Cherry Pie. ... Read more »

Micah’s Chocolate Meringue Pie

Chocolate Meringue Pie

Since it was published in 2002, Unwrapped: Green & Black’s Chocolate Recipes has sold more than half a million copies. Its recipes for chocolate coffee and walnut cake, chocolate truffles, chocolate pecan pie, chocolate salted caramel tart, white chocolate cardamom mousse, chocolate flapjacks, chocolate ginger cake, chocolate brownies (is the word “chocolate becoming redundant yet?) ... Read more »

The Great Christmas Pudding Taste Test!

When I asked people what Christmas food (and drink) they most love and hate, Christmas pudding topped the list of hates. Luckily, enough people love Christmas pudding for me to easily find a band of volunteers to taste test a random selection of 2010 Christmas puddings. When Sarah of Spoon PR kindly volunteered Spoon HQ ... Read more »

Brown & Forrest: A Family Smokery in Somerset

One of the best things about travelling around Britain is the opportunity to visit high-quality, local, specialist producers and try and buy their products.   One such producer is Brown & Forrest, a small family run smokery producing a wide range of smoked goods including eel, salmon and duck, to name just a few. Started ... Read more »

My Hallowe’en Pumpkin

Hallowe’en has it’s origins in the Celtic festival of Samhain, meaning “summer’s end”: The ancient Celts believed that the border between this world and the Otherworld became thin on Samhain, allowing spirits (both harmless and harmful) to pass through. The family’s ancestors were honoured and invited home while harmful spirits were warded off. It is ... Read more »