Diana’s Stir Fry 1-2-3

This evening I had dinner by myself and made a dish the way my grandmother would have done – simple, nourishing and delicious. We are Cantonese, from the south of China.  After living many years in Europe I have observed that the Cantonese and Italians share a common approach to good food – take the ... Read more »

Introducing Guest Blogger Diana Chan

Back in June I spent a lovely weekend attending the Oxford Food Symposium, held in St Catherine’s College, Oxford. It’s very remiss of me not to share the experience here on the blog, as I had a wonderful time attending delightfully diverse lectures, meeting fellow delegates and appreciating the excellent catering. But I made few ... Read more »

Using Leftovers: Lamb & Spring Onion Hoisin Lettuce Wraps

Roasting an enormous shoulder of lamb (1.6 kilos) for just three people meant we had a lot of leftovers. More than half, actually! All gently infused with garlic and the merest hint of rosemary. Some went into sandwiches and some into a beautifully rich and meaty ragu that Pete cooked up. The rest I turned ... Read more »

Sedap: Chinese-Malay in Old Street

Sedap is a small neighbourhood restaurant along London’s Old Street, offering Chinese-Malaysian cuisine. With a well-priced weekday lunch menu, it was a good budget choice for meeting up with a friend who works nearby. The space is small and has an informal cafe vibe. Service is efficient and helpful. Priced at £7.80, the lunch menu ... Read more »