Essays on food, drink, travel, culture, sustainability, farming, and more.

Tips from a Professional Food Stylist

Tips from a Professional Food Stylist

Today’s post is a rare foray into blogging about blogging ; specifically, one of the more useful skills for a food blogger today – Food Styling. I recently attended a session in which professional food photographer and stylist Carole Poirot shared her tips with a group of bloggers. First, an Atelier des Chef class instructor ... Read more »

A Taste For… Miso | Japanese-Style Miso Cod

Miso Cod on Kavey Eats

Are you familiar with umami? Discovered (and named) by Japanese scientist Kikunae Ikeda back in 1908 and known as the fifth taste group (alongside sweet, sour, bitter and salty), umami is most commonly translated as ‘savoury’ or ‘meaty’ and is a flavour profile that most of us enjoy in our food, whether or not we ... Read more »

A Taste For… Tomatillo | Green Tomatillo Salsa

Tomatillos on Kavey Eats

From its name you might think it’s a type of tomato. It certainly looks a lot like one, once its husk is peeled away. In fact, although the tomatillo is a member of the expansive nightshade family (which includes tomatoes as well as potatoes, aubergines, chillis and peppers), it actually falls within the physalis genus, ... Read more »

Forays Into First Nations Food & Culture | Visiting the Huron-Wendat in Quebec, Canada

When I was a child back in the Seventies, the only terms I knew for the aboriginal peoples of North America were Red Indians and Native Americans. As a child, I understood that the former was considered offensive, a relic clinging to the clichéd coattails of Hollywood Westerns. It also surprised me that early European ... Read more »

Which Cuts Of Beef Are Best For…?

Beef Cuts (British)

It’s been a gradual (and on-going) learning process over the years to work out which cuts of beef are best suited to which dishes or cooking methods. Although I’m pretty confident about the cuts to buy for my favourite meals, I am still getting to grips with others and constantly on the look out for ... Read more »

Supertaster Me

Have you heard of supertasters? To my eternal regret, I have, because I’m one of them. The label makes being a supertaster sound exciting, suggestive of a superior palate. The truth of the matter is that a supertaster is simply someone who “experiences the sense of taste with far greater intensity than average”. Yes, that ... Read more »

The Green Revolution in Almeria & Murcia

A few weeks ago, I was invited to Almeria and Murcia, two neighbouring regions in Southern Spain, to learn more about their agricultural practices and produce. 1 Agrobio – Biological Pollination & Pest Control We started with a fascinating visit to Agrobio, a company that produces and sells bumblebees for pollination and a wide range ... Read more »

I Eat My Books, Do You Eat Yours?

I have too many cookery books. There, I’ve said it. Despite two major clear outs in the last couple of years, when lots and lots of cookery books were given away to charity shops and fundraisers, the assigned shelves are overflowing. Books are stacked two deep, with extra ones squeezed on their side above the ... Read more »