Ice Cream Wednesday: Tarragon, Lemon, Lime & Tequila Ice Cream

Let me take you back, back through the mists of time, or maybe just this summer, to the very first Ice Cream Wednesday, when 11 ice cream lovers gathered with two ice cream machines and a wide range of potential ingredients, to make and enjoy as much ice cream as we could in a single ... Read more »

Bangladeshi Shatkora Citrus: Candied Peel, Cordial, Posset & Pectin

{please see comments section for updates/ corrections on lemon variety.} A few weeks ago, a binge of bloggers* gathered in Drummond Street for a tasty, vegetarian, Indian meal. MiMi went shopping first and gifted organiser Will, with a large, green citrus. I adore the smell of limes and lemons and couldn’t stop myself from picking ... Read more »