Travel Quote Tuesday | Eternal Moments

“I want my heart to be the thin place. I don’t want to board a plane to feel the kiss of heaven. I want to carry it with me wherever I go. I want my fragile, hurting heart, to recognize fleeting kairos, eternal moments as they pass. I want to be my own mountain and my own retreat.” ~ Anna White

This week’s travel quote is more poetic, more whimsical, more cryptic than my usual choices… or perhaps it’s more accurate to say that it’s more open to the reader’s interpretation?

For me, I take it as a heartfelt wish that instead of needing to move physically to a new destination to ‘feel the kiss of heaven’, we have the ability to experience and recognise magical moments – fleeting or eternal – wherever we are… and even more than that, we create those moments simply by being open to them…

It’s so easy to stop noticing the magic in our everyday lives, and to focus on the mundane repetitiveness of routine, but there are moments of delight everywhere and anywhere. Whether it’s the way sunrise lights up the old Victorian glass roof over Waterloo train station platforms or how looking out into a snow storm from a multi-storey office building allows you to observe the random patterns of the wind…

“I want my heart to be the thin place. I don’t want to board a plane to feel the kiss of heaven. I want to carry it with me wherever I go. I want my fragile, hurting heart, to recognize fleeting kairos, eternal moments as they pass. I want to be my own mountain and my own retreat.” ~ Anna White

This image is from a family trip to the north of Sweden, up in Abisko in the Arctic circle. In late December, the sun never rises, and the brightest it gets during the day is a dull, blue-grey. The snow-covered landscapes are strikingly beautiful.

More Kavey Eats Travel Quotes.

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12 Comments to "Travel Quote Tuesday | Eternal Moments"

  1. Chris Bloomfield

    After being on the road for almost 2 years, we have started to take it for granted. I guess even if you are living other peoples dreams, it becomes common place after long enough. I have recently tried to be more aware of the magic that happens no matter where you are in life. This quote really spoke to me because it is so true. I too want to be my own mountain and my own retreat.

  2. Tami

    I haven’t heard this quote before, but it had a nice message. I agree with you that you don’t have to travel to feel the kiss of heaven. It can be something you invite into your life with your actions towards others or your receptiveness to others.

  3. Medha Verma

    It is certainly a very poetic and open to interpretation quote 🙂 I also think it means that I don’t want to travel to great exotic places to find happiness, I want to be able to find it in the smallest, everyday things. Its beautiful !

  4. Nisha Jha

    First, I love your series and quotes. And you know it. 🙂 One day I’m going to steal some of them. 😛

    This one is certainly a very poetic and we can interpret it in our own ways. This quote really communicated to me with deeper meanings. It was never too easy to want my own mountain and my own retreat.
    Good one.

  5. Samantha Sparrow

    I love the idea of there being magic everywhere! My mantra is to find joy in the everyday and I do think this quote poetically says that. The magic is in my heart that I carry with me everyday – and the whole world is full of wonder for me!

  6. Claire

    I like your interpretation of it, I think it is so important to take pleasure in our daily lives – each moment is unique and there is always something special about the day, no matter how mundane it might seem. I always try to appreciate little things like birdsong or a squirrel bounding around, nature is always special!

  7. Ami Bhat

    This is so true. You do tend to miss out the magic of everyday life in that routine. I too, have realized this but then, sometimes its so overwhelming. This is when I love my travel breaks that allows me to refocus on the small joys of life. The best is that I get that back when I return home.

  8. Sandy N Vyjay

    I think this is a very profound quote with a deep meaning. As you said the interpretation is open to imagination. I understand it as the ability to soar in the skies with the wings of imagination. To be able to feel the seas, the mountains, the forests within oneself, again fueled by imagination.

  9. Archana Singh

    This quote is not only poetic but very true as well. I agree happiness is not about big things only but is somewhere hidden in our everyday lives. There’s a certain beauty in mundane everyday routines.


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