Travel Quote Tuesday | Travel Is Life-Changing

“Travel is life-changing. That’s the promise made by a thousand websites and magazines, by philosophers and writers down the ages. Mark Twain said it was fatal to prejudice, and Thomas Jefferson said it made you wise. Anais Nin observed that ‘we travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.’ It’s all true. Self-transformation is what I sought and what I found.” ~ Elisabeth Eaves

I love this quote by Elisabeth Eaves from her book Wanderlust: A Love Affair with Five Continents.

I truly believe that travel is transformational. The changes it makes don’t have to be huge ones – not everyone comes back from a trip inspired to fundamentally change their life, to change their job, start a new business or project, take up yoga or learn how to play Peruvian windpipes or the didgeridoo.

Sometimes it’s the subtle changes in your outlook on everything from culture and cuisine to politics and personal relationships. Seeing and experiencing how other places are, and how people live around the world, gives you a wider knowledge base about how things are and can be at home.

“Travel is life-changing. That's the promise made by a thousand websites and magazines, by philosophers and writers down the ages. Mark Twain said it was fatal to prejudice, and Thomas Jefferson said it made you wise. Anais Nin observed that ‘we travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.’ It's all true. Self-transformation is what I sought and what I found.” Elisabeth Eaves

This photo was taken in Mývatn, Iceland.

More Kavey Eats Travel Quotes.

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14 Comments to "Travel Quote Tuesday | Travel Is Life-Changing"

  1. Hanna

    Wow I really love this quote, it’s really powerful and definitely captures how I feel about traveling.

  2. Lisa

    This is a great and very poignant quote. I’ve not heard of the book but truly believe that travel can change so much, sometimes good, sometimes bad! For me, so far, it’s been good.

  3. Maureen

    I completely agree, and am baffled when people take journeys and all I hear is, I can’t wait to get back home. Traveling is not for everyone, but it’s for you and me, and that’s enough. 🙂 Nice read.

  4. Kevin Del Prado

    Yeah, somehow people don’t notice how life changing traveling is. I, myself, can attest to that. I made traveling the reason for me to get out of the corporate stress. Now I am able to make balance on both.

  5. Christina Pfeiffer

    I wonder if anyone has ever done a thesis on how travel transforms people’s lives. That would certainly be an interesting subject and probably one that would be very difficult to quantify.

  6. noel

    What a fantastic quote and I agree, travel transforms our lives and makes us appreciate everything about visiting new places, learning and trying new things especially about ourselves.

  7. Danik

    I love this quote. Traveling sure makes us appreciate everything in our lifes and make us stronger as a person

  8. Marvi

    So true how simple observation of the day-to-day lives of locals you visit can change the way we look and perceive life especially when you go home and see your situation. It’s unavoidable not to compare. And if you’re persistent enough, you can also influence other to change based on what you’ve seen and felt when travelling.

  9. Layla

    What a powerful quote! So true and how travel really saved my life….the quote expresses my feelings exactly.

  10. Sandy N Vyjay

    Travel is definitely transformative. In fact I feel that travel not only transforms the individual, but also the world around him. But yes these are changes that occur deep down and in the long term. But travel is the ultimate catalyst.

  11. Jennifer Melroy

    I have learned something every time I travel. It might be something about myself, it might be a new outlook on something, no matter what I have learned something importance. That being said, I learn something about myself everytime I push outside of my comfort zone and travel is a really easy way to get out of your comfort zone.

  12. Ami Bhat

    I so so agree… Travel helps discover self and more. It changes you in a lot of ways and in my opinion for the better. So well surmised here.

  13. Toti

    I think is always positive when there are changes, positive or negative. The difference is the way you get it into yourself and into your daily routine. If you don’t change, you don’t develop. You need to be positive, in the life happen good things and bad, what it matters is how you are after the storm. I love to travel because it helps me a lot with changes, I love what I was, but I love more what I am now and what I can become tomorrow.


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