Travel Quote Tuesday | Sharon Shinn

I’m a firm believer that all our collective experiences make us who we are. Surely those that take us outside our daily existence, when our senses are heightened by the excitement of travel, must change us the most?

Even the places I visit only once – and don’t feel a yearning to return to – leave an impression. And those that worm their way deeper into my affections, such that they are in my dreams of the past and my longings for the future, have the strongest effect of all.

‘Every journey makes its own map across your heart’ captures that so perfectly. Sharon Shinn is an American novelist writing romantic fantasy and science fiction.

(c) Kavita Favelle - Sharon Shinn - Canada

Back in 2015, I visited Quebec with Destinations Canada, and have really enjoyed sharing my impressions of Canada with you here on the blog. My hotel in Quebec City, a delightfully charming auberge in a modern style, was just a few paces from the boardwalk section of Rue des Carrières, right next to the impressive Fairmont Le Château Frontenac.

More Kavey Eats Travel Quotes.

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34 Comments to "Travel Quote Tuesday | Sharon Shinn"

  1. Fiona Maclean

    Gosh, until I saw the flag I thought that was Brighton Pier. I have to admit, not everywhere or every trip makes its own map in my heart and I’m not sure I’d want to allow certain places that kind of emotional space. For some destinations though, the quote couldn’t be more accurate


    I’d say that some places make their maps less indelibly than others, and occasionally there are some that scratch painfully rather than leave pretty trails across my heart…

  2. Evelyne CulturEatz

    Hi, I live in Montreal so a fun post to discover you with 🙂 I do agree I would say all my trips 1 week and up do leave a mark, some more than others. My last left a huge mark, China. That I will never forget and want to go back asap! Gald you enjoyed Quebec so much


    Thanks Evelyne, lovely to know that China really affected you deeply. I would love to visit. I’ve been to Macau, Hong Kong and Taiwan earlier this year, but not to China proper.

  3. kaveyeats

    Yes, they invited me and a handful of fellow bloggers to tour Niagara on the Lake and a little of Toronto with Michael and Anna Olson as our guides, which was brilliant. I added on Quebec City and Montreal as well.

  4. Heidi Roberts

    Sometimes a destination takes over your heart and never let’s go!

  5. Nadia

    Lovely quote! I’m definitely not well traveled and want to do more of it when I get the chance. Hopefully soon 🙂

  6. Kate | Veggie Desserts

    I only ever had one short, fleeting visit to Quebec, but I’d love to return. I agree that our experiences make us who we are. When I hear of people who never yearn to travel it really surprises me.


    Me too… then again I have zero interest in sport or fashion and I know that surprises friends who are passionately into those.

  7. Mindi Hirsch

    You’re so right. Every place I travel makes an impact, even those places that I don’t love. Sometimes I know it right away. Sometimes it takes longer for the impact to be revealed.


    Yes, exactly, even the places we don’t love wholeheartedly often change some aspect of us, even if it’s just a viewpoint.

  8. Kate | The Veg Space

    What a great quote – I’m not nearly as well travelled as you but totally agree with the sentiment. Doesn’t that photo look awfully British – Canada is near the top of my ‘to visit’ list. Thanks for the inspiration!


    Yes, we loved both Quebec and Ontario as they are a wonderful combination of English, French and North American culture, cuisine, architecture…

  9. Gareth

    As one of the previous commentators has mentioned, I was convinced this was a snap of Brighton pier until I noticed that flag! But as always, another beautiful quote and one that fits very well with the photo. Hope to make it to Quebec before too long


    Yes, it’s such a British scene isn’t it, yet it’s in Quebec City which is gloriously French in feel! Thanks, glad you like the quote!

  10. Siddhartha Joshi

    ‘Every journey makes its own map across your heart’ – I love this quote! I guess the more we travel, the more is the realisation that there is so much more to explore and how each journey is completely unique and fulfilling inn itself…

  11. Sarah

    It is curious how sometimes a trip that starts out as one thing – a visit to the beach, a chance to experience a new hotel – can turn into something very different. We never know what we’ll encounter when we invite the world into our lives.


    Yes, that’s a really good point, and sometimes it’s those changes that allow the trip to make it’s map across our hearts!

  12. Danijela WorldGlimpses

    Oh yes, every trip is a unique one, and you can never know what it might bring your way. I have great anecdotes from every one of my journeys and by remembering them over and over again, they so become a part of me, that I can honestly say that I myself have become one series of journeys, i.e. a map! 😀

  13. Kelly

    I totally agree with this quote. Every place I have bisited has changed me in some way and has taught me
    A new lesson that I needed to learn about life. Also loved Quebec city. Great food and street performers aong the water.


    I didn’t see many street performers, all the more reason for me to revisit!

  14. Lillie

    Aw, the truth of that quote is shown in that the photo you posted with it instantly brings me back to the trip WE took to the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City. We chased our toddler son all around that structure!


    Aaaw that’s a wonderful memory I’m happy to have triggered! ❤️

  15. kaveyeats

    Maybe it’s from a romantic sci-fi novel?! Don’t know the answer actually.

  16. Jennifer

    This quote nearly brought happy tears to my eyes. I agree that even the places I’ve visited that I wasn’t especially enamored with, still have a place in my heart.


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