Travel Quote Tuesday | Shannon L Alder

Many travellers swear by solo travel and I appreciate their viewpoint – there is much to be said for the freedom of a solo traveller to choose their own path, set their own pace, to experience what they see without distraction, and to engage fully with locals and fellow travellers.

But for me, I am never happier than when travelling with my Pete. There’s something very special about creating magnificent memories and knowing that your closest friend is the one who shares them.

We are lucky to be enormously compatible travellers – not always a given in every relationship – and thus there are very few compromises to make. For the most part, our interests collide and our travel preferences too – having an itinerary and hotels booked in advance, taking with us a well-researched list of things we could do but not setting a fixed daily agenda, taking it easy with lots of pauses for coffee or ice cream, never feeling guilty if we’re not in the mood to visit a particular site that wisdom dictates is a “must-see”, enjoying the experience of public transport but diving into the occasional taxi when feet are tired, an appreciation for a wide range of accommodations from luxury to lower budget – as long as they are clean and with a bathroom attached, a love for self-driving in rural regions with glorious vistas and un-crowded roads…

Of course we are not identical twins – I may not like beer or whisky but love sharing Pete’s pleasure in visiting a local brewery or distillery, likewise he is happy for me to potter around local food or flea markets to my hearts content. I love to engage with those I meet, Pete is happier listening and observing.

Do you prefer to travel solo or with others? If you like to have company, what are the qualities of your ideal travel companion?

Aptenodytes patagonicus (King Penguin)

It impossible not to be joyous when watching penguins, though it can be a smelly experience, especially in the vicinity of a large colony! They’re funny and fascinating creatures, each species with its own behaviour traits and quirks.

These are king penguins, which we first encountered on our first visit to Antarctica – stepping ashore on Salisbury Plain in South Georgia, home to some half a million birds, is one of the single most incredible moments of our travelling lives (I know I can speak for Pete too on this).

This is a much smaller colony at volunteer Point in the Falkland Islands but the advantage here is that we stayed a couple of nights, allowing us to spend as many hours as we wished sitting and observing. The two stretching upwards, downwards, upwards, downwards, and clapping their beaks are courting, a rather vocal affair!

More Kavey Eats Travel Quotes.

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28 Comments to "Travel Quote Tuesday | Shannon L Alder"

  1. Heidi Roberts

    I like to travel with Mr R. When we are on holiday together we never get tired of one another.

  2. Punita Malhotra

    I agree with you. I need to talk, express and share every experience with my significant other and we always travel together. We have evolved together and have a lot in common, so it works very well for us. Solo travel is not my cup of tea.

  3. Jenn and Ed Coleman

    Ed is my consummate travel partner. We are only beginning to scratch the surface about what that means. At first, we realized that we liked to do the same activities when we travelled. For example, we favor outdoor adventure over arts and culture. Later we realized that we could travel at the same pace, which is usually more activities a day than the average joe. However, our last month in Thailand we realized so much more. We like the same level of luxury / price point for hotels and meals – not top of the line but far above vagabond. Also, perhaps most important, we realized that we can work together to smooth over the bumps and rustled feathers from the road. A month on the road sounds (and is) a lot of fun but over the course of that month there will be good days and bad. Now that we are home, it is so special having the stories and memories to share with a partner instead of slowly fading into the ether.


    Yes, it sounds like you two are similarly compatible to me and my Pete… it’s not just about interests but pace, accommodation and budget preferences and how the relationship handles whatever comes… ?

  4. Fiona Maclean

    There’s nothing better than travelling with someone you want to be with. And nothing worse than travelling with someone you DONT want to be with. I am single, so I travel alone or sometimes with friends – and sometimes it is lonely. But, it also has benefits like being able to make my own itinerary.


    Yes I totally agree, it’s definitely better to travel alone than with the wrong people but it can be lonely on occasion. But it’s great for setting your itinerary to your own interests!

  5. Indrani

    I didn’t know watching penguins can be a smelly affair 😛 🙂
    I prefer to have a company during travels most importantly with some one who can adjust to different food.


    If you go somewhere where there is a large colony, yes it’s very smelly as their poo stinks and of course there’s a lot of it!!!

  6. Jackie Sills-Dellegrazie

    I’ve traveled solo and with my Pete and I love them both. I appreciate the time on my own because I think it’s a great time for me to connect with myself. But, I do know what you mean. I wish he was there to see some of the amazing places or that we could experience certain things together.


    Yes, it’s not that I think solo travel is less, because there are definitely advantages, and as Fiona said, there’s nothing worse than travelling with a bad match, but when you do have a best friend, it’s more that you want to share all the joys and experiences with them!

  7. Jo

    I am a bit of both. I really enjoy my solo escapades but sometimes, I dont mind company at all. I enjoy traveling with family and friends as well. A mix of all sorts is ideal.


    Yes I understand! I’ve rarely travelled solo (by which I mean without my Pete) in the last 2.5 decades with the exception of work travel (which isn’t a holiday anyway) and press trips (where I have the company of the host and other press attendees)…

  8. Elizabeth

    What a super photograph! Unfortunately my husband and I don’t make for very good travelling companions. We have completely different outlooks on…. pretty much everything… so I, in all honesty, would just rather travel alone, lol!


    Elizabeth, you are not alone, I know other friends who are hugely compatible as couples but not as travel companions! It’s all down to what kind of travel you like – destinations, activities, pace, food, budget/ comfort level and everything!! I agree that it’s better to travel alone (or with friends) that with the wrong partner!

  9. melody pittman

    For myself, I prefer traveling with someone though I am okay to go it alone as long as it is a place not too far out of my comfort zone. it is always fun to pick up new friends along the way. 😉

  10. Jenna

    Completely agree with you–solo travel can definitely be great, but my husband and I love traveling together too. We are lucky to have similar travel styles as well–it really works out well especially when spending so much time together. And it’s funny because we have a lot of the same preferences as you both do!


    That’s lovely to hear… I do think we are lucky, as I know friends who have wonderful relationships with their partners, but are not very compatible when it comes to travel styles. It’s not a big deal, one doesn’t have to do everything with one’s partner, but at the same time, it’s a source of immense joy for me to do so.

  11. Sandy N Vyjay

    Travelling with your partner or friend is always a great experience. It is a great opportunity to share experiences, some good and some bad, but all unique. This forges a special bond that endures.


    Yes, I agree, to be able to share the experiences for me definitely makes them more special, and travelling together is a great way to strengthen bonds – assuming you are compatible travellers!

  12. Megan Jerrard

    I love them both, I think solo travel and traveling as a team both have their benefits, they’re just different benefits 🙂 Love solo travel for the freedom and flexibility, and the downtime you have to self reflect and grow as a person. Love traveling as a couple for having someone to share the spectacular moments with and grow a closer bond 🙂

  13. Lauren

    I travel much of the time with my boyfriend, Justin. Although sometimes I travel with family, friends, or solo. I’m open to all styles and I don’t mind going places on my own. I do enjoy them most when they’re shared with someone else!


    Yes, it’s lovely to be able to share experiences with others while you are having them, I think!


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