Travel Quote Tuesday | Samantha Shannon

Those of us who are able to travel are favoured by immense good fortune.

We have been born into countries where our economies and lifestyles allow us to earn sufficient disposable income to afford to travel, into societies where travel is encouraged and recognised as a worthwhile and enjoyable pursuit, and into an era when getting around the globe is much simpler than it once was.

So many people in the world cannot travel for so many different reasons that I cherish the good fortune that allows me to do so.

This quote by British fantasy author Samantha Shannon speaks of that familiar longing to wander strange lands.

(c) Kavita Favelle - Samantha Shannon - Iceland

Iceland offers a new and stunning vista around every corner, so many that it’s hard to take in all the visual beauty on offer. This photo was taken at the harbour in Sauðárkrókur.

More Kavey Eats Travel Quotes.

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27 Comments to "Travel Quote Tuesday | Samantha Shannon"

  1. Evelyne CulturEatz

    Iceland is so on my bucket list! And that is a great quote and very true we are lucky enough to have the fortune to travel, and the option. So many places were people ar enot even allowe dot leave their country.


    Iceland is such a beautiful country, truly a thousand landscapes in one!

  2. Candy

    I always feel fortunate to be able to travel around the world. It truly is a luxury and I don’t take it for granted. I absolutely love Iceland. My sister has been there twice and is planning another trip there!

  3. Claire @foodiequine

    Ah Iceland, yet another place that stole a wee bit of my heart. I so want to return but I also want to explore elsewhere. The traveler’s eternal dilemma!

  4. Sandy N Vyjay

    The quote captures the essence and spirit of travel. If only the spirit was free to roam across the world, flitting from one place to another, not caring for borders, visas and passports. Would that not be absolutely blissful?

  5. LaiAriel R. Samangka

    I haven’t been traveling around the world, but I’m still so fortunate to be able to explore my beautiful country. Hopefully soon If I get the chance and enough funds, I’ll surely travel around the world. Iceland is such a beautiful place to visit, with all its stunning landscape and beautiful scenery. Thank you so much for sharing this lovely quotes with us.


    Exploring one’s home region can be just as rewarding! Hope you make it to Iceland one day.

  6. Natasha

    Wow this quote is so true. I think some people just really get bit by that travel bug and are made to travel on and on! I know I’m one of those people. Thanks for sharing this quote!


    Exactly. I am thinking about going off travelling on a semi-permanent basis for a while, maybe next year!

  7. Jo

    I love this quote and totally agree we are truly blessed to be able to travel. I have a wanderlusting spirit myself and love this pic so much! Iceland is top of my bucketlist too btw.

  8. Tara

    You are right – there are many, many people who aren’t fortunate enough to be able to follow their travel dreams, and many more that have no desire to travel. I’m with you, though… Wanderlust forever.


    Yep, we are lucky to be in that group that want to and are able to!

  9. Laura Nalin

    I love this quote so much. I always seem to read your quotes when they resonate with my spirit best. I’m always yearning for an adventure!

  10. Vibeke Johannessen

    I am so thankful being born in Norway and have the opportunity to travl.for me it is important to travel for understanding how the world works and not only for pleasures. I have lived in Ecuador for two years and have seen poverty first hand. Many people don’t really travel outside their city as well and many of them also don’t have a desire to travel as well. Thank you for this reflective quote.


    I understand. It’s easy to be isolated from the realities of the world if one doesn’t get out and see.

  11. Kacie

    Travelling is so important to me; my spirit definitely has a tendency to wanderlust. I feel like travel helps me to improve myself as a person.


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