‘Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.’
There is a question mark over the attribution of this quote, with some assigning it to Maya Angelou and others to Vicki Corona.
The writings of Maya Angelou have long been an inspiration to me as they have been for many women over the decades; the American poet, writer and civil rights activist left behind a hugely influential body of work when she died, aged 86, in 2014. One of the first African-American women to write so openly and frankly about her personal life and experiences, she became an enormously respected spokesperson not only for African-American women, but for all women.
On Vicki Corona, I can find less information though it appears she is a creative force of nature – a writer, record producer, dancer, choreographer, teacher and costume maker who runs a Cultural Arts Centre in San Francisco.
I’ve failed to find any concrete confirmation on which of the two this quote was written (or spoken) by, so I’ve left it unattributed for now.
I am definitely a collector of memories. Memories of special places and moments are my eternal treasures, and I have collected so many while travelling.
What are the moments that have taken your breath away?
I had dreamed of visiting the Ice Hotel in Sweden for many years, ever since I’d heard of it and watched TV documentaries on the making of it each year. It’s an amazing place, a hotel made of deep blue ice – ice is blue when it has been compressed during its formation such that there are no bubbles of air trapped within. Each room is created by a different artist, and each year the themes and designs are completely different.
More Kavey Eats Travel Quotes.
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Please leave a comment - I love hearing from you!28 Comments to "Travel Quote Tuesday | Moments"
Cor that Ice Hotel…! Looks amazing. Not sure I could handle the cold though. Love the quote.
I was OK on the cold front – we wrapped up very warm during the day and at night they provided super super warm sleeping bags that had you toasty inside. My trouble was that I kept sliding off the reindeer skins on the ice bed onto the floor, then had to open the sleeping bag to be able to climb back on to the bed, and it’s a struggle to do back up… after the third time falling off I gave up and went and slept on the floor of the indoor changing room area!!!
It sounds vey Angelou-esque! I do love her writings. That hotel looks fantastic!
Yeah it feels like it could certainly have been Angelou but I couldn’t be sure! Great hotel to visit. Amazing experience.
So true. Life should never be measure by the number of our breaths. The ones that takes our breaths away are the best ones.
Such an important quote – I do believe that memories are so much more important that things. I have so many memories to choose from, but the real one that stick out for me was seeing Chichen Itza in the flesh. It honestly took my breath away!
That’s very high on my list actually, somewhere I long to visit. I’m worried about the walking and climbing but really want to visit.
This is one of my favorite quotes. It’s very true and this place looks like it’s made for it.
Yes, it’s one of those amazing experiences that you must do if you get the chance. Not just the hotel itself, which is an incredible place to see, but the surrounding area and excursions like husky sledding (but properly out across the landscape, not just around a tiny circuit like many arctic tourist resorts offer). Amazing!
Loving the ice hotel photo but totally agree with that statement. 🙂 Great post.
Thanks Danik!
Perfect quote for travelers… but never thought about the author.
Snow covered Delphi amazed and thrilled me at the same time. So did the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 🙂
Would love to visit both of those locations, they are on my (ridiculously long) list!
Very true quote; whoever said it!
My thoughts too!
Inspiring quote 🙂 Where is Sweden is the hotel situated? It looks awesome!
Hi Maartje, it’s in Jukkasjärvi, which is quite far North.
We really want to visit a Ice Hotel next winter, left it to too late this year. They look amazing, also being in the wilderness looking at the stars or northern lights without all the light pollution.
We sadly didn’t see the northern lights but we had a great visit anyway!
The first time that I’ve heard this quote, I was smitten. It’s an absolutely great thought! Meanwhile, that ice hotel looks amazing. I hope to stay in one soon!
It’s a great experience, hope you are able to visit one soon!
Love this quote! Indeed, it is the wonderful moments in our life that makes it worthwhile and definitely last a lifetime. 🙂
I’ve stayed in an ice hotel in the arctic region of Norway. It was absolutely magical! It was a night to remember. xx
That does sound magical!
Honestly too many of my travel moments have taken my breath away. Watching my parents on their first overseas trip stand in awe of the Eiffel Tower and my mother saying “I never, ever in my wildest dreams thought I would ever be here” is probably the standout. As someone who is petrified of flying and grew up in a small country town, she was never going to get overseas. What a moment.
That must have been such an emotional and wonderful moment!
I’ve always wanted to visit an ice hotel! Staying in one would definitely take my breath away, just as so many other wonderful travel memories have. One memory that especially stands out was being in Rome. Being able to stand where so many historically important people stood… it almost made me cry!
Yes I totally agree on that, we loved the way you could walk around in Rome and just encounter random bits of wall from millennia ago!!!