Travel Quote Tuesday | Lionel Johnson

Time to pay respects to my home town once again. I love to travel and see the world, and sometimes I feel like I don’t want to come home because the trip is so wonderful. But when I settle back into London, I realise I have missed it in so many ways. Yes, there are things that drive me nuts, but it’s still a great place to call home!

This poetic quote is by Lionel Johnson, an English writer who lived during the latter half of the 19th century.

What place in the world pleads at your heart?

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Thames, from the London Eye.

More Kavey Eats Travel Quotes.

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27 Comments to "Travel Quote Tuesday | Lionel Johnson"

  1. kaveyeats

    I know what you mean, Fiona. Ask me when I’m mid-commute, especially on a day when the tube or trains are FUBAR or when I’ve been shoved around by one too many rude people and my answer may not be so warm!!!

  2. Jenn

    For me, the place that pleads my heart is definitely Scotland! I went there this summer and fell in love with the country! The vast open land, jaw-dropping scenery, and hospitality of the people has me definitely wanting to return!


    Scotland is a wonderful country, such diverse and stunning landscapes and some great great cities too!

  3. Eric || The Bucket List Project

    Great quote. I have the same issues with my home, New Orleans. I often dont ever want to come home because, well…Travel & the rest of the world but its the Greatest City probably in the US…Tennessee Willams said it best, “America has only three cities: New York, San Francisco, and New Orleans. Everywhere else is Cleveland.”


    Yeah, I do love travelling but it’s family, friends, home and garden that pull me back!

  4. Tami

    I just got home after only a 10-day trip. As much as I love to travel, my home is where I sleep best, feel most comfortable, and can truly be myself.

  5. Anna Johnston

    I left London 10 years ago, broken and incredibly unwell, I felt like I had failed myself so think I have a bit of a love hate relationship with the city. I would love to revist and with someone this time. It was a lonely city for me to travel and work in on my own.


    London can be super hard too, I think especially so for those who don’t have a family or friendship network in place already, it’s huge and loud and busy and expensive and not always easy to settle into. I hope you can return and see if in a different light someday soon.

  6. Sandy N Vyjay

    The Thames is such a historic river and has been an integral part of London and its history. The view of the river from the London Eye is so endearing. Though I have never been to London, I feel very close to it owing to my interests in English literature and the fact that the city has been the heart of many novels of Charles Dickens and many other literary masters.


    Thanks, it’s certainly a city that is much present in many classics of literature!

  7. anto

    Arnhem, which has been my hometown for many years. I’m now a digital nomad and have been traveling for a while and I miss this place. Now that I don’t have a home anymore, I miss it even more and I can’t wait to settle back in a cute apartment there after the winter.


    I thought hard about going travelling long term, and I would love many aspects of it, but I’m too tied to family I think, I’d find it hard for more than a few months I think. I’m full of admiration for those who do this successfully.

  8. Neha

    Since I am not a full time traveller and and have a full time job, I am still closely tied to my hometown. After hitting each and every destination I get back to my hometown for planning on next venture. And definitely at my home, I feel the balance what I need in my life to manage my full time job along with travel. I must say that if one’s hometown is London then he or she will definitely feel like to come there again and again, because such is the charm of London.


    Same here, I am not a full time traveller either. I am a contractor in an IT role, rather than permie, so while I’m in contract I’m pretty much full time, but I do try and take a few months off between contracts to squeeze in some extra travelling, so I feel I have the best of both worlds.

  9. Kate

    Great quote! There are so many places that plead at my heart, I stood in awe in the middle of Prague. There is a wilderness spot in Utah that stole my heart. Scotland is up there – I have dreams about it. And my grandparents farm in Pennsylvania. I suppose I’ve never been attached to my hometown but, thats why I’m a traveler. My home is the world 🙂


    I loved Prague, I visited in the late 1980s and the Western brands and chains had not yet reached the city, so I found it particularly magical to experience. Part of me would love to go back and see much more than I did on that first trip, but another part of me is scared that it would dispel some of the magic in those memories…

  10. Jenna

    Such a beautiful quote! Isn’t it great when home is a wonderful place?! I know every spot has it’s issues, but its so nice to have a good feeling at home. We live in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and love being home, but love being able to escape and travel as well–it’s nice to find a good balance between travel and home for sure!


    Oh there are many things about London that drive me crazy angry or frustrated but overall, I feel very fortunate to call it my home! I’ve not been to Minnesota but I have heard quality of life is great there?

  11. Jennifer Melroy

    The US national parks plead with my heart. I have fallen in love with so many of them that it’s like my heart is always been left in them. I don’t think I will ever get it back from those parks.

  12. Suruchi

    We love traveling and can go on trips for months but still at the end of it, we want to come back home and sleep in our own bed. That is the power of home and it is really important to maintain balance. We haven’t been to London but have always heard a lot about River Thames and the views from London Eye. Looking forward to checking it out in future.


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