Indian Vegan & Vegetarian: 200 traditional plant-based recipes by Mridula Baljekar

Indian Vegan & Vegetarian: 200 traditional plant-based recipes by Mridula Baljekar

Glancing at the cover of Indian Vegan & Vegetarian by Mridula Baljekari, with its colourful floral and vegetal design, you could be forgiven for thinking this is a gardening book – it even has the typical heft of one. On opening it we actually said “wow” at the abundant photos of brightly coloured dishes blazing ... Read more »

The Turkish Cookbook by Ghillie Başan

The Turkish Cookbook by Ghillie Basan

Ghillie Başan is a food anthropologist, and food and travel writer with a large back catalogue of cookbooks (one of which – Mezze – I already own, and The Lebanese Cookbook which we reviewed on Kavey Eats earlier in the year). Başan’s books are primarily focussed around the Middle East and Turkey though Indonesia, Cambodia, ... Read more »

The Lebanese Cookbook by Ghillie Başan | Exploring the food of Lebanon, Syria and Jordan

The Lebanese Cookbook by Ghillie Bassan (Cover)

The Levant is a region long known for the largesse of its hospitality. In The Lebanese Cookbook, Ghillie Başan explores the foods and traditions of a swathe of the Fertile Crescent that takes in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Palestine. Başan spent many years living and working in the Middle East (as well as Europe, North ... Read more »

Home-Made Cheese: Artisan Cheesemaking Made Simple | A Review & Recipe

Home-Made Cheese: Artisan Cheesemaking Made Simple makes a bold promise, offering to teach cheesemaking that is simple enough to try at home. The author, Paul Thomas, is a cheesemaker, cheese inspector and even a cheese judge so he certainly knows his stuff, but can he bring it to a level that’s manageable for the aspiring ... Read more »

Twelve I have, Eighteen I want: Confessions of a Food Book Addict

Long lists of ingredients – some familiar, some exotic; instructions on how to transform them into delicious treats; vivid and tantalising photographs and even an insight into other cultures and cuisines… I love cookery books! I kinda, sorta agreed, about a year or two back, to a moratorium on the purchase of new cookery books. ... Read more »