Diana’s Stir Fry 1-2-3

This evening I had dinner by myself and made a dish the way my grandmother would have done – simple, nourishing and delicious. We are Cantonese, from the south of China.  After living many years in Europe I have observed that the Cantonese and Italians share a common approach to good food – take the ... Read more »

Introducing Guest Blogger Diana Chan

Back in June I spent a lovely weekend attending the Oxford Food Symposium, held in St Catherine’s College, Oxford. It’s very remiss of me not to share the experience here on the blog, as I had a wonderful time attending delightfully diverse lectures, meeting fellow delegates and appreciating the excellent catering. But I made few ... Read more »

Book Review: "Eat Your Veg" by Arthur Potts Dawson

Arthur Potts Dawson has a really big heart. Sustainable. Seasonal. Responsible. He ticks all the right boxes, and has done some fantastic things for London by creating two sustainably aware urban restaurants, Acorn House and Water House, which exemplify the diversity of the city and London’s, what he calls, “environmental salutations”. He also recently wrote ... Read more »

Lakeland’s Cheese Making Kit

When I attended a Lakeland product preview event this summer, the products that excited me most were the components that, together, form a cheese making kit. Sold separately, the recommended items are a large stainless steel maslin pan (though any similar large pan would be fine), a digital thermometer, two different cheese moulds, vegetarian rennet ... Read more »

Gooey Delicious Banana Cake (Revisited)

Charles Campion‘s Banana Cake is a recipe I copied across to my blog from one of the many places I shared my food experiences before I finally realised I was “stealth-blogging” and set up Kavey Eats! It’s such a good recipe I always intended to go back and add photos the next time I made ... Read more »

Pete Bakes: Chocolate & Porter Cake

Last week saw me doing more baking than drinking, as I found myself entering the Great Chocolate Cake-Off taking place at Chocolate Unwrapped. Although I thoroughly enjoy baking, in recent years it’s tended to be more bread based, so the prospect of coming up with a chocolate cake worthy of being eaten by anyone other ... Read more »