Kavey Eats Christmas Gift Ideas 2012

Christmas shopping should be such a pleasure – finding the ideal gifts for your loved ones and anticipating their pleasure in them – but the reality is often far more stressful with time, budget and practical constraints that often get in the way. The response to last year’s gift guide was wonderful so here once ... Read more »

Kavey Eats Christmas Shopping Guide

I hate shopping for clothes, shoes and practical necessities but I do love shopping for presents. There’s something wonderful about finding the perfect present for a loved one; a present you know will light up their face when they receive it; a present that fits like an oven glove! Recently, I shared some recipes for ... Read more »

Let’s Make Christmas Pickles, Chutneys, Jams & More!

I love the idea of giving homemade gifts for Christmas. I’ve come across the mentality that homemade is second best; I know people who judge on monetary value and assume that shop-bought, established brands are always better than amateur efforts. Homemade to these folks is about thrift or stinginess or rose-tinted nostalgia, if they’re being ... Read more »

Twelve I have, Eighteen I want: Confessions of a Food Book Addict

Long lists of ingredients – some familiar, some exotic; instructions on how to transform them into delicious treats; vivid and tantalising photographs and even an insight into other cultures and cuisines… I love cookery books! I kinda, sorta agreed, about a year or two back, to a moratorium on the purchase of new cookery books. ... Read more »

The Great Christmas Pudding Taste Test!

When I asked people what Christmas food (and drink) they most love and hate, Christmas pudding topped the list of hates. Luckily, enough people love Christmas pudding for me to easily find a band of volunteers to taste test a random selection of 2010 Christmas puddings. When Sarah of Spoon PR kindly volunteered Spoon HQ ... Read more »

Food & Drink We Love & Hate At Christmas

Procrastinating as usual, when faced with a long list of overdue chores, I merrily whiled away a few hours on twitter, as you do… and thought I’d find out which Christmas food and drinks my twitter friends’ most love and hate. I did the same last year and really loved reading all the responses! Many ... Read more »