A Taste For… Parma Ham

Parma ham legs hanging to age

The inspector from the Istituto Parma Qualità moves quickly amongst a selection of legs of ham. He pierces each ham in at least five spots using a special horse bone needle and sniffs the needle after each puncture. The needle is quite specialist; horse bone is porous to just the right degree that it takes in ... Read more »

Travel Quote Tuesday | Vera Nazarian

Some places feel a lot like home, others far less so, but most of them are home to someone. The exceptions I’m thinking of are the deserts and wildlife reserves I’ve visited in Southern Africa, the Galapagos Islands and the Falkands Islands, where there are few if any (human) residents. But when I’m visiting somewhere ... Read more »

Dining Out In And Around Parma

We packed a lot of excellent eating into our short trip to Parma, where we discovered the origin of Parma ham and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese. Masticabrodo Situated in Pilastro, a small rural village about 15 kilometres from the centre of Parma, is a small trattoria-osteria called Masticabrodo. The village is virtually in the shadow of the ... Read more »