Four Fantastic Reasons to Visit Lübeck

One of the most picturesque cities in Europe, Lübeck is the perfect destination for a Northern European city break. During my recent March visit the wind chilled to the bone but the end-of-winter sunshine showcased the Old City in glorious golden light. Situated on the River Trave, Lübeck is the second-largest city in Germany’s Schleswig-Holstein ... Read more »

Memories of Luton, Lübeck, Marzipan and Niederegger + Marzipan Giveaway

You can take the girl out of Luton… Smack in the middle of the eighties – which I still hold to be the best decade, musically and fashion-wise (though I admit to harbouring some bias on this) – I did a German Language Exchange Trip through my secondary school. Luton and Hamburg were an odd ... Read more »