My Beautiful Fruit Tart with Blackberries, Golden Raspberries, Bananas and Chocolate

The yellow raspberries I harvested from the allotment recently were so beautiful I wanted to make something pretty enough to do them justice. Having filled a couple of tubs with blackberries too, a fruit tart seemed an ideal way of putting both to good use.

I’ve peered through the windows of countless patisseries, admiring the artful creations – fruit oh so neatly arranged over crème pâtissière, in little pastry cases. I’ve eaten a fair few too. But until now, I’ve never remotely considered making my own.

A quick Google revealed thousands of recipes, but I liked the quick and easy nature of a James Martin recipe for French fruit tart, which I used as a starting point.

Blackberry, Golden Raspberry, Banana and Chocolate Fruit Tart


  • 1 pack ready-rolled puff pastry (approx. 400 grams)
  • 1 egg , beaten
  • 50 g dark chocolate
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 170 ml double cream
  • 170 ml fresh custard
  • 1 punnet blackberries
  • 1 punnet raspberries
  • 1 banana , halved lengthwise and then thinly sliced
  • 4 tbsp plum jelly (I used some I'd made a week or so earlier, from allotment plums)


Adapted from a James Martin recipe


  • Preheat the oven to 200 C.
  • Divide the ready rolled puff pastry according to the size and number of tarts you want to make. I divided my sheet into two.
  • Lay the puff pastry rectangles on a baking tray covered with either a silicon baking mat or baking paper.
  • Using a sharp knife, score a frame around the edge, making sure you don’t cut the pastry all the way through and prick the base of the tart (excluding the border) with a fork.
  • Brush the border with a wash of beaten egg.
  • Bake the pastry until golden brown and crisp (20-25 minutes). Remove from the oven and allow to cool.
  • Once cooled, gently press the centre of the pastry down to leave a raised frame around the edge.
  • Melt the chocolate using short bursts of 10-20 seconds in a microwave, or using the traditional bain marie technique.
  • Brush the melted chocolate over the bottom of the pastry. Be delicate as a heavy hand will cause layers of the pastry to come loose and shift.
  • Leave to the side to allow the chocolate to set.
  • In the meantime, mix the vanilla extract into the double cream and whip to stiff peaks. Fold the custard into the whipped cream.
  • Spoon and spread the cream mixture over the pastry base.
  • Arrange the fruit on top as you like.
  • Heat the plum jelly and, using a pastry brush, glaze the fruit generously but gently.
  • Allow the tart to set before serving.

The tart was magnificent, if I do say so myself, and by far the prettiest thing I’ve made, even though I know it looks messy next to the work of skilled patisserie makers, amateur and professional alike.

I was particularly happy with the invisible chocolate layer which added both a thin layer of solid bite and a lovely flavour too.

And the plum jelly worked better than I could have hoped for as a thick, protective and glossy glaze.

I was a little too free-handed when adding the custard (hence the amounts above). I’d adjust the ratios slightly back in favour of the whipped double cream, to give a slightly stiffer texture to the finished cream filling. It tasted fabulous but was a touch runnier than ideal.

Other than that, I can’t wait to make these again with whatever berries and fruits I have to hand.

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15 Comments to "My Beautiful Fruit Tart with Blackberries, Golden Raspberries, Bananas and Chocolate"

  1. Marmaduke Scarlet

    I agree with Gourmet Chick – it looks beautiful. I don't think I have ever had yellow raspberries though – they look very pretty but do they taste like red raspberries too?

  2. thelittleloaf

    Looks absolutely beautiful! I bought some golden raspberries the other day and wasn't very impressed by the flavour…but really who cares when they look this pretty 🙂

  3. Dom at Belleau Kitchen

    I am so impressed! I love that chocolate layer, I would never have thought of doing that! Those yellow raspberries are so pretty. I make this kind of thing but as a savoury dish with sliced tomatoes and grilled asparagus. I use cheese instead if cream. You should try it! Love puff pastry. It knows no bounds!!

  4. Kavey

    GC, thanks, we didn't do much at the allotment, the bushes were left there by the previous plot tenant!

    Marmaduke, ours taste just like regular ones, they're lovely.

    Fiona, thank you!

    Judith, heheh, growing wise, we didn't do much, berries just grow on their own!

    But I am inordinately pleased with the tart!

    TheLittleLoaf, ours have the same flavour as regular red raspberries, they're ever so nice.

    Dom, yes, genius idea from James Martin, the chocolate layer. Really liked it a lot. I have made basic savoury tarts with puff pastry and used cheese too, but wondering whether a savoury custard would work?

    Whippy, aaw, glad you like the plum jelly, what have you been glazing?

    Kate, yes the chocolate layer really works so well, love the idea. Courtesy of James Martin!

  5. Heavenly Housewife

    Those yellow raspberries are just beautiful! Ocado is selling them right now (that's how i do most of my shopping, hubbs hates going and I don't drive), and you may have just tempted me into buying them.
    Great instruction on the puff pastry! The edges have really risen beautifully.
    *kisses* HH


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