Monday Meet The Blogger | Franglais Kitchen

Nazima and Pierre Corne are the couple behind Franglais Kitchen, a recipe blog full of tasty home cooking. They also run a supperclub in Cambridge and provide food consultancy to producers and restaurateurs. Nazima talks to us about their experiences.


Hello and welcome, plea­se introduce yourself and tell us a little about the kind of content you share.

Franglais Kitchen is largely a recipe blog, with occasional equipment and restaurant review. Pierre is an ex chef and I am a clinical academic. We both work full time and have 2 young children. We feature 3 main types of recipe on the blog: Everyday family food (with a global influence, a bit like our family itself), healthy food (with an interest in raw, vegan and unprocessed food) and food for entertaining. We run a supperclub in Cambridge, which has been great for our culinary creativity and research. We share some of the recipes on the blog.

nazima Pierre

What are the biggest influences on your cooking at the moment?

Healthy food and experimenting with raw food. It hasn’t changed what we eat every day but it is an area that is interesting. We have found a lot of really good blogs with creative ways of making such food seem very pretty/indulgent/filling.

Which food or ingredients could you not live without?

Nutella (Pierre), Tea (Nazima).

Which food writers / chefs do you find most inspirational and in the same spirit, are there any particular cookery books you cherish above the rest of the shelf?

We have had some fun playing with the sous vide and working through a lot of recipes in Thomas Keller’s cookbook ‘Under Pressure’. We also use Larousse Gastronomique a lot as a reference and guide.

If I were coming for dinner, what would you cook for me?

We think a long slowcooked super tender lamb shank – we do ours in the sous vide for 2 days – with potato millefeuille and herb olive sauce.


What’s the single piece of equipment you wouldn’t be without?

I got given a Japanese Tamahagane knife from my lovely work colleagues when I left my last job in London. It has retained it’s incredible cutting power and I use it constantly.

What’s your kitchen white elephant?

We have a juicer (I insisted putting it on our wedding list) that has not actually made it out of the box in our 7 years of marriage…

Braised aubergine

What is the hardest aspect of blogging for you?

Fitting it in around work and family, trying to engage with other food bloggers and writers.

What inspires you to keep blogging regularly?

We love the creativity of preparing and presenting food and we enjoy the community of food bloggers we have become part of over the last few years.


What’s the single most popular post on your blog?

Sourdough naan bread – I guess there are not many recipes out there and we kind of got a lot of interest on pinterest which has really boosted interest in this recipe.

Can we give a little extra love and attention to a post you love but didn’t catch the attention of your readers in the way you hoped?

This Jasmine Rice Pannacotta is a favourite. We simmered Jasmine rice in milk and then set it into a pannacotta. It was inspired by a Thomas Keller recipe for Jasmine rice sherbet and the flavour is subtle, mildly floral but not quite jasmine, not quite rice.

jasmine rice pannacotta

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7 Comments to "Monday Meet The Blogger | Franglais Kitchen"

  1. Laura@howtocookgoodfood

    Great to read more about Nazima and Pierre, I would love to go to one of their supper clubs. I think a meal with them would be pretty special and although I own a copy of Larousse Gastronomique, I haven’t opened it since leaving catering college. Maybe I should!


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