Microwaved Mabo Aubergine

Microwaved Mabo Aubergine

Mabo Aubergine is a popular Japanese variation of the Sichuan Chinese Mapo Tofu (also known as pockmarked grandma’s beancurd). Here, aubergine takes the place of tofu – it’s soft, silky texture and ability to absorb flavours partners perfectly with punchy pork. But this clever recipe from Tim Anderson’s JapanEasy Bowls & Bento is even better, ... Read more »

Gyoza-Filling Rice Bowl

Gyoza-Filling Rice Bowl

Following on from Masahiro Kasahara’s Quick Pan-Fried Gyoza Disks, here’s another great idea for anyone yearning for the flavours of Japanese gyoza, but not wanting to spend the time shaping individual dumplings. Gyoza-Filling Rice Bowl is the first recipe we made from Tim Anderson’s JapanEasy Bowls & Bento cookbook. Find out more about the cookbook in our ... Read more »

Quick Pan-Fried Gyoza Disks

Even for those that are experienced and very dexterous, it can take a fair bit of time to expertly fill and fold traditional gyoza. This clever recipe from Masahiro Kasahara’s The Ultimate Japanese Noodles Cookbook takes away some of that effort by sandwiching the gyoza filling between two round gyoza wrappers instead! It’s a delicious ... Read more »

Phuket Town Black Pepper Pork

Phuket Town Black Pepper Pork (mu hong) with ‘Red Fire’ Greens with Yellow Soybean Sauce (pak kheo fai daeng)

This Black Pepper Pork (mu hong) dish hails from Phuket Town in Southern Thailand, and delivers a steaming bowlful of tender pork and wibbling belly fat in a rich, caramelised sauce with warming black pepper permeating every mouthful. It’s perfect with plain rice, but is also great with a bowl of stir-fried green vegetables or ... Read more »

BBQ Backyard-style Apricot-glazed Pork Ribs with Crushed Spices

Backyard-style Apricot-glazed Pork Ribs with Crushed Spices

What I love about these absolutely delicious apricot-glazed barbecued pork ribs is how easy and fail-proof they are to make, and a fair bit quicker than the typical low-and-slow bbq recipes. Simmering the meat in salted water first guarantees that the ribs will be soft, tender and cooked through; the apricot glaze provides tonnes of ... Read more »

Pork Shoulder Vindaloo

Pork Shoulder Vindaloo

This is a classic pork vindaloo from Eleanor Ford’s The Nutmeg Trail and she describes it as “an assertive, almost pickle-sour braise“. Made from pork shoulder, this recipe brings together ingredients and ideas from three continents. Its roots are in a Portuguese pickled pork dish called carne de vinho e alhos, which melded with the ... Read more »

Soy-Braised Egg Tofu and Pork Mince

Soy Braised Egg Tofu from Sambal Shiok

Egg tofu is a special kind of tofu made from soy milk and eggs – the eggs giving it the most wonderful wobbly texture. Think of a just-set savoury custard that’s meltingly ethereal, light, and silky smooth. Now imagine fat slices of egg tofu combined with pork mince braised in a rich, soy-based sauce. Comfort ... Read more »

GF Proper Pork Pies made with Gluten-Free Hot Water Crust Pastry

Gluten-Free Pork Pie

Once you are diagnosed with coeliac disease, gluten ataxia or any other condition that requires you to cut all gluten out of your diet, there are certain foods you start to hanker for now that you can no longer buy them easily – pastries, cakes, breads, pizza, pies, and so much more. When Nicky reviewed ... Read more »

Japanese Ginger Pork

Japanese Ginger Pork

Flicking through Harumi’s Japanese Kitchen, reviewer Jack chose this Japanese Ginger Pork (served with potato salad, also in the book) as his first savoury dish to cook. He liked the simplicity of the recipe – in which thin slices of pork loin are quickly marinated in mirin, soy sauce and ginger before being flash-cooked in a ... Read more »