Isabella’s Ginger & Oat Cookies | In Memory of Coriander Queen

It’s been over eight years now that I’ve been publishing Kavey Eats. There are so many reasons I enjoy blogging, not least the creative outlet it gives me for my writing and photography and the record of food enjoyed in restaurants and at home, of amazing travel experiences, of cookery classes, books and more. I ... Read more »

Malted Spelt Soda Bread Recipe | Tasty Bread in Half an Hour

Surely it’s impossible not to love soda bread! Not only is it soft and delicious, it’s ridiculously quick and easy to make.   When I talk about soda bread, I am using the term to cover any bread where bicarbonate of soda is the rising agent, rather than yeast. This type of bread making is ... Read more »

The Soda Bread Diaries

Having enjoyed the soda bread my friend made for a picnic in her garden recently, she sent me the recipe. It’s published in a book called The Baker’s Tale by Catherine Brown but is credited to James Burgess. The first time I made this soda bread (last Wednesday) I followed the recipe exactly and the ... Read more »