I’d never made a potato salad before this one. Well… actually I had made warm salads that include potatoes… but never the classic version I think of when hearing “potato salad” – new potatoes bound together in a mayonnaise-based dressing. Several years ago, the American Head of IT where I worked shared his potato salad advice ... Read more »
Kavey’s Genius Pickleback Ice Lollies!
Heeeeeell, YES, I made pickleback ice lollies! And they are mighty, mighty fine! First, I made straight pickled gherkin ice lollies, inspired by an idea I came across when searching for Zoku character designs. I used pickling juice (and a little sliced gherkin) from the jar I bought back with me from Amsterdam earlier this ... Read more »
Pickled Gherkins, How I Love Thee!
I have always loved pickled gherkins. Many’s the time I’ve come to the chagrined realisation, as I munch one straight from the jar, then another and then one more, that I have eaten an entire jar in one sitting! Over the last several years, Pete and I have gradually converted our back garden into what ... Read more »