Happy Mother’s Day, Mum!

Me and my mum!

MINIMamta KavitaUpsideDown MINIMamta Kavita PartyBottles
MINIMamtaPlaited Kavita MINIMamta Kavita Beach
MINIMamta Kavita Parrots
 MINIMamta Kavita Carousel

Lots of love,

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10 Comments to "Happy Mother’s Day, Mum!"

  1. Mamta

    Thank you, nice memories!
    1st picture- your first birthday at a flat in Norfolk Gardens in Paddington. We lived on the 5th floor!
    2nd picture-after the 1st birthday party. In case anyone is wondering what I am doing sticking a wine bottle down baby Kavita’s mouth, it was an empty bottle. It was after her first birthday party and she was trying to get a drink out of that bottle. It was empty, but still heavy for her and she kept dropping it on her legs. So I was just helping her ;-0!
    3rd picture-Wisbech in Sweden, around 6 months of age
    4th picture-Brighton Beach, again around 6-8 months old. Just before I cut my hair shorter!
    5th picture -Parrot Jungle in Florida
    6th picture-I am not sure about this merry-go-round, probably somewhere in America.

  2. kaveyeats

    Thanks my dear. Happy first mothers day to you! Can’t wait to meet Thida!

  3. Kathy

    Beautiful photos of two VERY beautiful ladies, although one of them was a beautiful baby at the time the photos were taken. Kavey, seeing these I know now exactly where you & Neeta got your gorgeous looks. A very Happy Mother’s Day to your lovely & talented mum.


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