Golden Banana, Turmeric & Maple Syrup Smoothie

Sometimes the best ideas are spur of the moment, driven by the ingredients you happen to have on hand. So it was with this banana, turmeric and maple syrup smoothie which I liked so much I made it three days in a row.

Banana Turmeric and Maple Syrup Smoothie on Kavey Eats © Kavita Favelle (title overlay)

Banana is my staple base for a smoothie – I love the flavour and the thick creamy texture it gives, whether as the star ingredient or as a base for other fruits. I like to use natural sweeteners – usually honey, dates or maple syrup.  I first made this smoothie in a snatched 5 minutes before leaving for work early on a dark January morning and it gave me a burst of energy as I headed out into the cold.

A recent fruit and vegetable box gift from Abel & Cole included fresh turmeric root and I was keen to try it raw. Turmeric is the spice that gives many Asian dishes their vivid yellow colour and has a distinct, earthy flavour; strong, a little bitter and quite unlike any other ingredient that I can think of.

I’ve been taking the powdered form, on and off, as a natural anti-inflammatory – recommended by Ayurveda for thousands of years, but only recently being researched by Western medicine. It is said to help with digestive complaints and poor circulation too. My daily dose is mixed with ginger and fenugreek, a combination that tastes pretty vile so I stir half a teaspoon into a few tablespoons of cold water and swallow fast, chasing it down with a long glass of cold water and quickly brushing my teeth! Does it work? Hard to tell, since I also rely on a range of more conventional treatments. Right now, I’m giving it the benefit of the doubt.

That said, I’m not making any health claims for turmeric; I’m not qualified medically or scientifically, and I’m not a fan of the current crop of health gurus that make pronouncements about excluding various food groups based on the flimsiest of anecdotal, purportedly personal, evidence.

In this recipe, the turmeric is far more palatable, adding a vibrant colour and distinctive flavour to this quick-to-make, energy-boosting smoothie.

Banana Turmeric and Maple Syrup Smoothie on Kavey Eats © Kavita Favelle-7899 Banana Turmeric and Maple Syrup Smoothie on Kavey Eats © Kavita Favelle-7902

Golden Banana, Turmeric & Maple Syrup Smoothie

Servings 1 people


  • 1-2 bananas , peeled
  • 1 small piece fresh turmeric root*
  • 120 ml water^
  • maple syrup to taste, I use about 2 tablespoons
  • 1 tsp cinnamon- (optional)


* I used a piece of turmeric root about the size of the top joint of my forefinger. I didn’t bother peeling as the skin was soft and thin, but if yours is tough, peel first. If you don’t have fresh, by all means substitute ground turmeric instead; half a teaspoon of dried will be sufficient here.
^ I like a thick but pourable smoothie. Adjust amount of water up or down if you prefer a thinner or extra thick smoothie.
~ Cinnamon is such a natural bedfellow for maple syrup and banana that I added a teaspoon of freshly ground cinnamon to the last batch. It’s not that strong against the turmeric but adds a lovely dimension to the scent.


  • Place ingredients into a well-powered blender and blitz until smooth. If you like your smoothies with less sweetness, use half the maple syrup to start and add more to taste if you need it. Likewise, adjust volume of water to your preference.
  • The banana will start to oxidise and brown after a while, so this smoothie is best enjoyed as soon as it’s made.

As you may have spotted, I used my much-loved Froothie Optimum blender to make my smoothie. We’ve been using the Optimum 9400 for over a year now and it’s one of the best appliances in our kitchen. It’s enormously powerful – enough to blend solid frozen chunks of fruit easily or ice cubes if you want some instant slushie base. In fact the motor whips those blades to an impressive 44,000 rpm which generates enough friction heat to make piping hot soup or one-step custard. You can use it to make your own nut butters and nut milks too. See the affiliate box in my sidebar for information on how to claim an extra 2 year warranty on any Froothie appliance.

Other Recipes Featuring Fresh Turmeric

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42 Comments to "Golden Banana, Turmeric & Maple Syrup Smoothie"

  1. Choclette

    Fresh turmeric is a very hard commodity to get down our way, but I did manage to get a whole load of it recently and it has been featuring in our smoothies regularly ever since. I like the flavour as well as the colour and I’m very happy to accept any healthy benefits it cares to bestow.


    Same here! I only see it in Asian and oriental supermarkets really and you have far less of those!

  2. kaveyeats

    Hi Sylvia, apologies for the delay in replying – your comment was diverted into spam, and I just noticed and retrieved it! It’s really difficult to pin down the taste of turmeric as it’s very distinctive, not hugely like any other ingredient I can think of. It has quite an earthy flavour; strong, a little bitter and I guess if I was forced to try and liken it to something, I’d suggest saffron, which also be quite earthy and also gives a glorious yellow colour. They’re not really equivalent though!

  3. Beth Sachs

    I can second Choclette’s pain of not being able to find fresh turmeric in Cornwall – well not easily anyway. The colour of the smoothie is lovely and warming. Perfect for this time of year.

  4. kellie@foodtoglow

    First of all, thank you so much for the very kind link and “big up” about my own blog. That is super-kind of you, Kavey. I am beaming. 🙂 And secondly, this looks and read like a bloody awesome slurp. You have made a health drink into a proper treat. I hope it helps you to keep the germs and bugs that are flying around at bay. Turmeric is my go-to for fending off respiratory infections and also for painful joints. I swear by it Lovely stuff


    My pleasure, and yes “a bloody awesome slurp” is a lovely description! Thank you!

  5. Andrea @ Made With Pink

    My husband swears by turmeric, and takes turmeric capsules daily. I’ve never seen fresh turmeric root before. It’s not something I’ve ever looked for, as we’ve always just used the powdered stuff. I must try some. The smoothie sounds wonderful as well.

  6. kaveyeats

    I know what you mean, I’ve rarely come across fresh turmeric before, then again I’ve not looked very hard. I have been noticing it in local Middle Eastern, Asian and Oriental grocery stores lately.

  7. kaveyeats

    Thanks Mark, spot on and yes the colour is such a nice bright thing to enjoy in the morning!

  8. Nicole

    This smoothie sounds really delicious! I’ve never had a smoothie with turmeric in it 🙂 Bet it’s really yummy!

  9. Spanish HomeMade

    Great recipe! Thanks a lot! I believe it’s not going to be easy to get fresh tumeric though… Could it be made with regulat tumeric?
    I think I’m goig to try ot for breakfast tomorrow before to go to a paella catering in Surrey… Looking forward to it! 🙂
    Thanks a lot!


    I would give it a try but adjust to use less. You may like to mix the turmeric into a tablespoon of hot water and mix well to remove lumps before adding to the smoothie, if your blender is not a super powerful one.

  10. Nayna Kanabar

    My mil swears by turmeric, any sign of cough, cold, sneeze ,aches or spins and she makes us drink turmeric milk. In Asian households turmeric is classed as an antibiotic to cure all ailments.


    Exactly! I’m from an Asian household too, so our family in India passes across these recommendations too.

  11. Janice

    I love banana and maple syrup, I’ve never used fresh turmeric and not sure I could get it in our rural idyll but I really should try. This looks like such a fabulous smoothie.


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