Eton Mess Ice Lollies | Strawberries, Cream & Meringue On A Stick

Summer means strawberries! It calls to mind strawberry picking at a local farm, strawberries and cream (and Wimbledon), home made strawberry liqueur, hot bubbling pans of strawberry jam and the special pleasure of eating home grown strawberries from the back garden.

It’s also the best time of year to make one of our favourite desserts, Eton Mess, a jumbled mix of fresh strawberries, whipped cream and broken meringues. For those of a tidier inclination who prefer to keep it more elegant, strawberry pavlova is a tidier presentation of the same ingredients!

With the weather so hot outside, Eton Mess Ice Lollies are a great variation on this classic dessert, perfect for keeping cool!

Eton Mess Strawberry Cream Meringue Lollies - Kavey Eats - © Kavita Favelle -overtext

Eton Mess Ice Lollies (Strawberries, Cream & Crushed Meringue)

Servings 10 lollies


  • 500 g strawberries , hulled and finely chopped
  • 50-75 g sugar (depending on tartness of strawberries)
  • 300 ml double cream (divided into 2 x 150ml)
  • 50 g dry meringues , broken into pieces


Make sure you chop the strawberries fairly small, so that each bite of ice lolly has a nice mix of fruit, cream and meringue.


  • In a large bowl, mix the strawberries, 50 grams of sugar and 150 ml of double cream. If the strawberries are tart, use an extra 25 grams of sugar – the mixture needs to be super sweet as it will be combined with unsweetened cream later.
  • Cover and leave in the fridge for at least two hours. The sugar helps the strawberries to macerate, releasing more juice into the cream.
  • Whip the other 150 ml of double cream until stiff and combine carefully with the macerated strawberry mixture and the crushed meringue.
  • Spoon the mixture into lolly moulds or small cups and insert lolly sticks. The mixture should be thick enough for the sticks to remain upright, but if not, use some sticky tape to keep them in place.
  • Transfer to the freezer overnight until frozen solid.
  • To serve, cup the moulds in warm hands or dip into a cup of hot water for a few seconds to help the lolly slip out of its mould.

Eton Mess Strawberry Cream Meringue Lollies - Kavey Eats - © Kavita Favelle-162709 Eton Mess Strawberry Cream Meringue Lollies - Kavey Eats - © Kavita Favelle-170049 Eton Mess Strawberry Cream Meringue Lollies - Kavey Eats - © Kavita Favelle-201045

Eton Mess Strawberry Cream Meringue Lollies - Kavey Eats - © Kavita Favelle overtext

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47 Comments to "Eton Mess Ice Lollies | Strawberries, Cream & Meringue On A Stick"

  1. Debi @ Life Currents

    I love that you put meringues into this; it sounds amazing! I hope to have a recipe done for sharing soon. Wish me luck. And, in the meantime, I’ll dream of these!

  2. Sarah (@tamingtwins)

    These look like the perfect summer pudding. I made an Eton Mess cake last week. I think we should work on bringing the Eton Mess formula to more recipes! Meringue? Cream? Strawberries? Genius.

  3. kaveyeats

    Well the real thing is very quick – whipped cream, strawberries and crushed meringue! But this frozen one works so well!

  4. kaveyeats

    Oh now yes, that is a good drink and it makes itself so it’s super easy!

  5. kaveyeats

    It’s a very British dessert I think, kind of like a battered and bashed up strawberry pavlova!


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