The Best Traditional Food from Wales

Welsh Rarebit

Wales is a country of dramatic coastlines, towering mountains and historic castles. Oh, and dragons too, of course! It’s also known for the quality of its produce, and there are plenty of traditional Welsh foods to try during your visit to Wales. In this post I’ve picked out just a few of my favourite traditional ... Read more »

Welsh Cakes Recipe

Regula Ysewijn's Welsh Cakes

Cooks who love to bake, and are looking for classic British baking recipes as well as the history behind them, will love Regula Ysewijn’s latest cookery book Oats in the North, Wheat from the South: The History of British Baking, Savoury and Sweet. Read our full cookbook review of Oats in the North, Wheat in ... Read more »

Oats in the North, Wheat from the South by Regula Ysewijn

Book jacket for Oats in the North, Wheat from the South: The History of British Baking, Savoury and Sweet by Regula Ysewijn

Regula Ysewijn has had a fascination with British food since she was a young child, which may not sound that unusual until you learn that she was born and grew up in Belgium. Baking is a particular passion of hers, which informed both her first book Pride and Pudding, and her latest title, Oats in ... Read more »

Nook, Cardiff | Inventive & Delicious Small Plates Dining

Burrata, fermented chilli, lemon, olive oil and dukkah

Recent restaurant opening Nook has been eagerly anticipated by the food-loving denizens of Cardiff, and no wonder. Eminently affordable, and certainly delicious, Nook is very much our kind of place. Seasonality, and quality of produce shine, and a small plates menu allows for a quick, light meal or a more lingering feast.  ... Read more »