The Best Traditional Food from Scotland

Abroath Smokies

When you travel around the four countries that make up the United Kingdom, you’ll find that there’s a distinct variation between the traditional foods of Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England. Scotland has a wealth of excellent local produce and traditional Scottish foods for you to sample during your visit. This post gives you just ... Read more »

Oats in the North, Wheat from the South by Regula Ysewijn

Book jacket for Oats in the North, Wheat from the South: The History of British Baking, Savoury and Sweet by Regula Ysewijn

Regula Ysewijn has had a fascination with British food since she was a young child, which may not sound that unusual until you learn that she was born and grew up in Belgium. Baking is a particular passion of hers, which informed both her first book Pride and Pudding, and her latest title, Oats in ... Read more »