Lebanese & Syrian Meat and Bulgur Balls in Yoghurt | Kibbeh Labaniyya

Homecooked Meat and bulgur balls in yoghurt (kibbeh labaniyya)

This delicious recipe for meat and bulgur balls in yoghurt (kibbeh labaniyya) is a real change from the tomato-based European (Italian) and South Asian (Indian and Burmese) meatball recipes we have made before, and has a pleasingly tangy flavour profile from the natural yoghurt. The recipe is from Ghillie Başan’s The Lebanese Cookbook and is ... Read more »

The Lebanese Cookbook by Ghillie Başan | Exploring the food of Lebanon, Syria and Jordan

The Lebanese Cookbook by Ghillie Bassan (Cover)

The Levant is a region long known for the largesse of its hospitality. In The Lebanese Cookbook, Ghillie Başan explores the foods and traditions of a swathe of the Fertile Crescent that takes in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Palestine. Başan spent many years living and working in the Middle East (as well as Europe, North ... Read more »

Travelling By Way Of My Belly | Favourite Recipes From The Middle East, Central & South Asia

Persian Tahcheen-e morgh (Baked Yoghurt Rice with Chicken)

I know I’m not alone in missing international travel, which is naturally hugely affected by this awful Covid pandemic we are experiencing all around the world. A great way to travel in one’s imagination is to cook and eat dishes from other countries, celebrating international cuisine and travelling by way of our bellies. Here, I ... Read more »

Lebanese-Inspired Carob Molasses & Tahini Chocolate Brownies

I developed this recipe when writing a piece about Carob Molasses. Carob molasses mixed with tahini are a common dessert in Lebanon, often served with bread to dip. Using the combination in chocolate brownies was the idea of wonderful Beiruti blogger, Joumana Accad. The malty caramel flavour of carob molasses and the delicious sesame of ... Read more »

Le Menar | North African Food With A Modern Twist

In a quiet road in the heart of Fitzrovia, Le Menar offers a modern approach to North African and Middle Eastern cuisine. The menu, developed by head chef Vernon Samuels, is predominantly Moroccan with a few Lebanese contributions and is so full of temptations that another visit is definitely on the cards to try the ... Read more »

Talking Za’atar in Zawtar with Abu Kassem

Southern Lebanon is not much visited by tourists, given its volatility. Only a few days ago, six Italian soldiers were hurt in a bomb attack on the main highway near Saida (Sidon). Less than two weeks before that, there were 11 fatalities and many injuries, during clashes at the Lebanese Israeli border. The region is ... Read more »