Luiz Hara’s Nikkei Sea Bream with Yuzu & Green Jalapeno Rice

This delicious recipe for Nikkei Sea Bream with Yuzu and Green Jalapeno Rice is from Luiz Hara’s first cookbook, Nikkei Cuisine: Japanese Food the South American Way. Read our review of Nikkei Cuisine by Luiz Hara. Tai gohan (sea-bream rice) is a classic of Japanese home cooking and is a dish I have always loved. ... Read more »

Brazilian Food by Thiago Castanho

When Kavey invited me to review a cookery book, I wanted a book that would bring something new and interesting to my cooking and decided on the extremely colourful Brazilian Food by Thiago Castanho. First impressions were great, it had loads of really interesting looking chapters with really rich interesting pictures and a short excerpt from ... Read more »

Little Orange & Lime Cakes from Brazil | Bolinhos de Laranja e Limão

It’s rare for us to make cakes the traditional way any more; creaming together butter and sugar, beating in the eggs and folding in the dry ingredients by hand is not only time-consuming but tiring on the arms too. Instead, for the last several years we’ve mixed most cake batters directly in our food processor, ... Read more »

How to Make Brazilian Brigadeiro Chocolate Bonbons

Thus far, all the Brazilians I’ve met are warm, friendly, simple (by which I mean uncomplicated and genuine, not lacking in intelligence) and full of laughter. Brigadeiro, a chocolate bon bon made with a few simple ingredients and decorated in a bold – perhaps even gaudy – style, is a wonderful representation of Brazil and ... Read more »