Kavey’s Cheeseboard & Chutney Quiche

PARTNEREDPOSTThis may sound like heresy from a self-confessed cheese addict but sometimes – especially after a few weeks of excess eating that nearly always includes a copious cheese board – I really fancy something different. It’s not that I get cheesed out… wash your mouth out for even thinking such a thing! But the same old-same old cheeseboard starts to lose it’s appeal. I still want cheese, but I crave something more creative.

I came up with this quiche as a way to use up cheeseboard leftovers – you know all those little remnants that are too small to serve up on the next board but far too good to waste… and there’s often leftover chutney too, whether it’s homemade or a good quality shop bought.

But I quickly realised this quiche is so very very good that it’s worth making even if you don’t have any cheese board leftovers!

Rather than having a huge Christmas day lunch and another meal for dinner, we sometimes spread out the starter, main, dessert and cheese course by an hour or two between each so that it’s pretty much dinner time by the time we get to the cheese. This cheeseboard and chutney quiche makes the perfect alternative to a cold cheese board and if you serve it hot out of the oven, it’s wonderfully warming.

Of course, it’s a perfect boxing day dish too.

Cheeseboard and Chutney Quiche from Kavey Eats (c) Kavita Favelle (2)

If you cook this after your Christmas roast and have a handful of cooked Brussels sprouts leftover, they make a lovely addition. If not, leave them out.

Kavey’s Cheeseboard & Chutney Quiche

Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 10 minutes


  • 320 g shortcrust pastry
  • 150 g good quality chutney of your choice
  • 160 g mixed cheeses finely chopped or crumbled
  • 300 ml double cream
  • 300 ml creme fraiche
  • 3 large eggs
  • 4-6 leftover cooked Brussels sprouts, shredded (optional)


We take the quick and convenient option and buy ready made shortcrust pastry from the supermarket. You can, of course, make your own if you prefer. Likewise, we used English Provender's Sweet Tomato & Chilli Chutney for this quiche. We have also used homemade green tomato chutney, and a spiced fig chutney for this recipe.
In this quiche, we used extra mature Cheddar, vintage Gouda and Stilton. Use whatever cheeses you have; you can even include a softer cheese such as Brie if you like.
There is often a little pastry and custard mix leftover. We usually use these to make an extra mini quiche in an individual ramekin dish or muffin tin.


  • Preheat the oven to 180C (fan).
  • Roll out the pastry into a circle large enough to line a 22cm pie dish with a little extra over the edges.
  • Carefully lift the pastry into the dish and gently push into the edges. Trim the pastry so that it comes up over the edge of the pie dish by about a centimetre to allow for shrinkage during baking.
  • Line the pastry with foil and fill with baking beads – if you don’t have any, you can use dried beans or (uncooked) rice instead.
  • Transfer to the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes, until the pastry has taken on a pale golden colour.
  • In the meantime, combine the double cream, crème fraiche and eggs and whisk well. We do this in a large (1 litre) jug so that it’s easier to pour into the dish.
  • Once the pastry is cooked, remove from the oven and leave to cool for 15 minutes, longer it you can.
  • Before assembling the quiche, heat the oven back up to 180C (fan).
  • Spread the chutney in an even layer across the bottom of the pastry.
  • Sprinkle the cheese over the chutney and if using the sprouts, spread these over the cheese.
  • Carefully pour the custard mix into the dish – go slowly so the chutney and cheese aren’t moved around too much. They will float up within the mixture.
  • Transfer to the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes until the surface is golden brown and there is not too much of a wobble when you give the dish a gentle shake.
  • Remove from the oven and allow to rest for at least a few minutes before serving – it’s always easier to cut a quiche once it has set a little than when it’s piping hot from the oven.


Cheeseboard and Chutney Quiche from Kavey Eats (c) Kavita Favelle (1)

This really is an absolutely delicious quiche and can be enjoyed hot or cold. Serve with coleslaw or a mixed salad for a light meal, or wrap individual slices in cling film for a lunchbox treat.

The original version of this post was commissioned by English Provender.

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51 Comments to "Kavey’s Cheeseboard & Chutney Quiche"

  1. kaveyeats

    Yes, would be perfect. If you have a couple of others, I do love a mix, but cheddar on its own would also be delicious.

  2. kaveyeats

    Thanks Helen! Yes we always have chutney in the house, both home made and shop bought. I love English Provender’s caramelised onion one too but hadn’t tried this Tomato and Chilli one before and just looove it with cheese!

  3. kaveyeats

    Yes, it’s a great lunch or light dinner dish and I’ve never ever found a readymade one that lives up to a homemade quiche!

  4. lisa

    yes yes yes, I love everything about this. I ALWAYS have little leftovers of cheese, and I always have a jar of English provender chutney at home too (if I haven’t already eaten it all!) this is perfect thanks Kavey!!

  5. Choclette

    I can’t imagine having a “same old same old cheeseboard” – it’s a rare treat for us. But I love the idea of adding a nice chutney to quiche and as you say, it would be perfect for Boxing Day.


    Heh, we are cheese addicts so we always have cheeses in the house… the other way we use remnants is in Pete’s cheesy potato bake, a regular dish for us.

  6. kaveyeats

    Thanks Becca, I’m glad I’m not alone. I do loooove cheese but this is great for when I have too much left or when it’s no longer quite at its best for the cheeseboard but still good for cooking!

  7. Jacqueline Meldrum

    That looks amazing Kavey and I like the idea of the chutney and cheese in the quiche. Not quite convinced about the sprouts as I hate sprouts but love the basic concept!


    Oddly, I’m not a huge sprouts fan either, my sister is the one in our family who insists on them. I prefer savoy cabbage. But I found that buying young / small ones and slicing them finely means they just add a very subtle element to the quiche without any of the bitterness of eating whole sprouts! But they are totally optional so you could leave them out, or sub a handful of chopped baby spinach leaves instead.

  8. kaveyeats

    Oh that’s lovely to hear – please do let me know how the family likes it, especially your brother in law!

  9. kaveyeats

    Thanks David, I’m so pleased with how tasty this recipe is and I really really loved the tomato and chilli chutney for it!

  10. Mamta

    When using a mish-mash of lefttovers, once in a while you come up withh something that becomes a family favourites. This sounds like one of those ?. I will look forward to tasting it at some point, though chances of my having leftover double cream are remote, as I dont buy it very often. However, in this instance, I might make an exception, go and get it and make it for my neighbours New Year party


    Yes, we often have cheese leftover so I am sure this will be a regular! The combination of double cream, creme fraiche and eggs makes a really light wobbly quiche filling, really good. It’s a custard mix recipe from a Quiche Lorraine recipe we made and enjoyed many years ago.

  11. Alicia (Foodycat)

    When I saw the name of this one I was a bit worried – I thought a fruit-driven chutney could be a bit much. But a tomato chutney base layer is a brilliant idea (one of my favourite things to put under the cheese for cheese on toast).

    We also tend to spread out our Christmas meal. I like all the bits but for two we can’t justify doing all of it at one meal! So we have a meal of nibbles, then a few hours later or the next day the big roast.


    Yes, I think you can really make changes with your choice of chutney for this recipe… Something with some fruitiness is good though, rather than something too vinegary or too much like a pickle…

  12. Ruthy

    This is an absolutely awesome and fantabulous idea! Seems quite easy to make and looks really delicious too!

    It would have been great to have had this recipe after the cheese and wine parties of my younger days – we always used to end up eating cheese for a fortnight after each party x

  13. Janice

    What a great way to use up leftovers, we always have so much cheese over Christmas, I’m definitely going to make this.


    Thanks Janice, hope you love it. You can use whichever chutney you like but the English Provender Tomato & Chilli one works soooo well here.

  14. Stacey

    We don’t typically do a cheese board for the holidays, so I’d be making this from scratch – I love being able to use a recipe like this as a template – picking my own bits and pieces of cheese from Wegman’s (which would have the best selection in my area) and a great excuse to try a new chutney.


    That’s exactly how I would love people to use it – you choose your chutney and your cheeses, of course you can switch the sprouts too or omit them entirely… Will you send me a photo if you make it? ❤

  15. kellie@foodtoglow

    Kavey you have come up with one fabulous idea here. I LOVE it! We always have bits and bobs of cheese, and adding it with a lovely chutney such as this (haven’t seen it yet but I am defs going to look out for it) to a homemade quiche is genius. *mwah*

  16. Jen

    I’m a huge cheeseaholic and always have plenty in the fridge so will be making this soon, I actually quite fancy using good old Branston in place of the chutney, or my other favourite, pickled walnuts.
    Anyway, I’ll report back, but great idea.

  17. kaveyeats

    Yes totally, and you can totally leave the green veg out if you want, it’s really little more than garnish!

  18. kaveyeats

    Thank you Debra, yes it’s a very simple recipe to make but a very tasty one to enjoy!

  19. Sarah

    I made this the other day and it was brilliant! I used onion jam as the chutney and a mix of cheese from my local dairy Wildes (I’d been given a rather generous box of it to go with some cheese of theirs I already had in the fridge).

    I happened to have a salad bag of radicchio, kale and mustard leaves in the fridge which made for a perfect salad to go with it too – the bitter leaves countering the rich quiche.

    I will definitely make this again – I’m tempted to make a quattro stagioni version!


    Love the Quattro Stagioni idea, that would be cool! So glad you liked the recipe Sarah, thanks for sharing your photo with me via twitter too!

  20. Elizabeth

    I love this idea so much! I kinda went overboard with the cheese this Christmas, so this is a recipe I will definitely be trying out soon! Thank you for sharing with the No Waste Food Challenge, and have a great New Year!


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