All things drink – recipes, buying guides, visits to producers.

Nilgiri Black from India’s Blue Mountains

Last month, I attended the launch of JING‘s Coonoor Estate Nilgiri Black tea, hosted by The Cinnamon Club. I’d never heard of Nilgiri before so was curious to taste and learn more about this lesser-known Indian tea. David Hepburn, who introduced me to a range of Jing oolong and puerh teas a few months ago, ... Read more »

Chateau d’Yquem Tasting & Dinner

I have a sweet tooth. Drinks of choice remain sugary concoctions such as Midori, Pimms & lemonade, Amarula, Dr Pepper, Coca Cola. Yes, really. No, I’m not fifteen. More accepted in adult circles is my deep and abiding love for dessert wines including honeyed French seducers Monbazillac, Coteaux du Layon and the various Muscats, aromatic ... Read more »


You know how sometimes, you experience those perfect moments of serendipity which lead to wonderful moments and new friendships? One of those moments came together for me on the first Friday of this month. Just a few weeks before I started my blog, Pei Wang started his. In his case, he took a far deeper ... Read more »