Burgers & Beer at Byron

Fast growing chain Byron Burgers has gained a loyal following in the 3.5 years since they opened their first branch, me included.

On a recent visit, we took our friend Gothick, who declared his classic Byron burger the best burger he’d ever had!

Byron’s burgers are mighty fine and certainly blow competitors such as GBK (Gourmet Burger Kitchen) and Ultimate Burger out of the water. And Haché too, for that matter, with their ciabatta bun wrongness.

Burgers are moist and beefy. Accompaniments are simple (no scavenging hunt list of oddities such as peanut butter, onion bhaji, marmalade or pineapple, none of which I ever want to find inside my burger!). And the bun is plain white and doesn’t disintegrate while you eat.

Lastly, those pickled gherkins are just perfect, though I’d prefer them in a sliced format I could have inside my burger, rather than alongside.

I’m also a big fan of the courgette fries, essentially zucchini fritti just like our local Italian restaurant makes.

And oh my, there were two very happy smiles about the new craft beer menu featuring a great selection of British and American beers.

Service was friendly, knowledgable and helpful.

If you’re looking for a decent burger in Central London, I’d certainly recommend looking up your nearest branch of Byron.

Tiny niggle? Please remove one of the banquette tables along the front wall and spread the others out. Legroom at those tables is really tight.

Chime in with your thoughts on what makes the ultimate burger.

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11 Comments to "Burgers & Beer at Byron"

  1. Kanga_Rue

    Have to disagree with you on the pineapple Kavey, it's a typical inclusion on an Antipodean burger… but otherwise in total agreement.

    I was surprised at just how good the Byron burgers were. Was actually thinking of going again today, so perhaps I won't give my friends the choice… though I'll have to ask for my meat to be cooked more than I'd like, I hope they'll take pity on an enormously-pregnant woman 😉

  2. Nicky

    I thought Aussies were into beetroot on their burgers? That's what I've been offered the last five times I've been there! No pineapple in sight …

  3. Mzungu

    I'm liking this influx of new craft beers coming into London these days. If you get the chance check out the Jolly Butchers in Stoke Newington. A fine pub with a finer array of beers.

  4. Sashimi Girl in Stroud Green

    Thanks for the hot tip about the zucchini fritters. I've been a couple of times with friends and like you, rate their burgers very highly as my blog attests. I'll be frittering away my time there on the next visit no doubt.

  5. Kavey

    Oh I know pineapple is typical in Aussie burgers, but haven't tried it, I still think you Aussies have got this one wrong! And Kiwis for that matter, they do it too, no? 😉

    Mzungu, thanks for the recommendation, good to know!

    Sashimi Girl, you're welcome and hope you enjoy the zucchini next time!

  6. Lisa

    It sound great! There's one right by my work, so that might have to be visited, if only for the courgette fries OMG.

    One thing though. £6.50 for a classic with bun, £7.25 for a classic without. Not sure about that!

  7. Kavey

    GC, yes I do love the courgette fries. I will try beetroot in a burger, I do love sweetness and earthiness of it!

    Louis, heh, happy dreams!

    Lisa, definitely pop in, especially if so close!

    I think the classic without bun comes with a side salad, whereas the classic doesn't come with anything. Maybe salad costs more than a bun? No idea! 🙂


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