In Amsterdam, I did my best to search out as many local specialities as I could. Maatjes are meltingly soft, lightly soused herrings traditionally served with gherkins and chopped raw onion, with or without a soft white bread bun. I enjoyed mine from Vlaardingse Haringhandel at the Albert Cuyp Street Market, in business since 1916.
The sweet sharp pickled gherkins were so good I bought a jar (€2.50) to bring home.
I’ve eaten most of them straight from the jar on their own but did have a few as a side to some barbeque-marinated and grilled pork belly slices.
Please leave a comment - I love hearing from you!One Comment to "Augurken Sticks from Amsterdam"
Ooh, I love the name and I love me a good gherkin. One of the first things I did when I got back from NY the other week was to buy a big jar of pickles and some French’s Mustard from Sainsers.