A Breakfast Shared with Brioche Pasquier

PARTNEREDPOSTBrioche Pasquier have been making traditional brioche and other French pâtisseries since they were founded in 1936 in a small village bakery in Les Cerqueux, France.

Founder Gabriel Pasquier taught his traditional levain-based recipes to his sons who built the business into Brioche Pasquier, now a large and successful company with over 3,000 employees. Levain, (sometimes called leaven in English, but more commonly referred to as a starter) is a natural raising agent which not only raises the dough but contributes a welcome acidity and flavour to the finished bread. All products are free from artificial colours, flavours, hydrogenated fats and preservatives. This has made the brand into one of the most popular brioche brands on the market.

Shared Moments with Brioche Pasquier - Kavey Eats (1)

As an avowed Francophile (and slightly rusty francophone) I adore brioche – indeed I eat brioche buns for breakfast at least two or three times a week. There’s something rather wonderful about the light, egg-enriched dough that I can’t get enough of.

The Brioche Pasquier offering is lovely and light with an excellent flavour – nice on its own but even better with salted butter and homemade jam. In the unlikely event you don’t eat the whole loaf in very short order, it also makes a really superb bread and butter pudding. The soft style butter croissants and pains au chocolat are also very enjoyable – with jam, chocolate hazelnut spread or dipped into a French-style bowl of hot chocolate.

The pre-sliced brioche loaf and the individually wrapped pains au chocolat, croissants and pain au lait (milk bread) rolls are perfect for a shared weekend breakfast, a more continental alternative to a full cooked breakfast and much quicker to serve too.

And when we book self-catering holidays in the UK, these are exactly the kind of products we take with us to stock the cupboards on our arrival – not only for breakfast but as perfect on-the-go snacks while we are out and about, or a welcome bite between meals.


Kavey Eats was commissioned by Brioche Pasquier to create this post and participate in the #shareamoment campaign.

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22 Comments to "A Breakfast Shared with Brioche Pasquier"

  1. Camilla

    I must look out for the Pasquier Brioche loaf as I have the perfect Nutella Brioche Pudding recipe for it but the loaf I used to get was discontinued in my local bakery. We always have some sort of Pasqueir products in the house, so handy for the kids’ packed lunches;-)

  2. Kavey

    Yes we did too and it’s scary isn’t it?! It was quite faffy too and what we made wasn’t better than the shop bought so we didn’t make it again. We do make a lot of our bread though!

  3. Sarah

    These sound like such a delicious product…to be eaten on it’s own, or as a great starter for bread pudding. Yum!

  4. Amanda

    I haven’t seen Brioche Pasquier before, but it looks heavenly. The bread selection in your photo is great. I prefer the continental style breakfast and this sounds perfect. I will have to watch for it in the stores.


    Yes, I do enjoy cooked breakfasts on occasion but it’s too much for everyday. I like cereal too but only when I’m in the mood. Brioche had become my goto breakfast these last several months!

  5. kaveyeats

    We made it once and it came out Ok but it was so much effort that i prefer to just buy these days!!


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